Five Tips When You’re Shopping For Kids’ Furniture


There’s something so fun about decorating a child’s room, and it definitely brings out a whimsical side in many parents. This also means it’s easy to go overboard on the little things! Follow these five tips and you’ll keep your children safe and happy – and save a few bucks along the way.

Tip #1: Start With A Budget

Because shopping for children’s furniture is so fun, it can be easy to blow past what you intend to spend. Sit down, figure out what your child’s room needs, and make a budget. Allocate specific amounts for essential furniture pieces to ground your spending, and if you can stay under that, figure out the fun stuff!


Tip #2: Try To Buy New Rather Than Used rustix-kid-bedroom-body-image

Seeing an appealing bed or crib at a second-hand store, antique dealer, and garage sales can be tempting, but you don’t always know how much stress it’s been through until someone uses it. While you might not care about the shape of antiquated furniture made for adults, it can be dangerous for children.


Tip #3: Make Sure The Finishes And Dyes Are Safe

Another reason to choose new children’s furniture is that older furniture finishes and dyes are more likely to be toxic. But even new furniture can be hazardous to their skin and the air in their room, especially if it is made in areas with lower safety standards. Lacquer and varnish can be hazardous to your child’s health, especially at the stage when they’re using their mouth to explore their surroundings. 

All finishes, dyes, and paints should be food-grade and made without harmful toxins that can off-gas into the air. The two best ways to guarantee your furniture stays safe are to buy locally-made furniture and ask the maker what materials they use. When you can control the process from start to finish as Rustix does, you can guarantee a safe product!


Tip #4: Think About The Future


Good kids’ furniture will last a long time, sometimes from birth to their move into a college dorm! (It’s ok to cry, they grow up so fast). If this is your goal – and it’s a goal that will save you money for more decorating – think about purchasing practical furniture in natural colours that can match all your child’s phases. 

Try mixing fun pieces with more grown-up items. For example, buy or have a more traditional dresser made in a neutral colour, then get a fun bed or desk – something they’ll outgrow. That way, there’s still money in the budget for the racing car bed, hot pink desk, or whatever else your child might have in mind.



Tip #5: Remember – You Can Customize Furniture Yourself!

If a plain piece isn’t to your child’s liking, customize the little things. If it’s a simple dresser, for instance, replace the knobs with custom-shaped ones made to look like hearts, baseballs, or whatever they might be into. As they grow up and out of this style, replace the knobs rather than the furniture!

Better yet, you can have the piece made for your kid’s room. If you or your child have a plan in mind, but it’s missing that perfect piece to tie it all together, bring your idea to Rustix. We can make something from local, natural wood in the colour that perfectly fits the room. Because we customize the furniture to your needs, we can size it to the dimensions of your child’s room rather than you having to settle for something too big or too small!