How To Pair Your Live Edge Piece With The Decor

pair live edge piece, live edge pieces

Bringing home a new piece of live edge Rustix furniture can be very exciting, so it only makes sense that you’d want to prepare your room for this new table, bar top, crib, or whatever else you had made. Here are some of the ways you can properly pair your custom-made live edge furniture with your decor – and vice versa!

What Purpose Will The Furniture Have In The Room?

How you pair the furniture with the decor can depend on how big the piece of furniture will be and what purpose it will have. Is it going to be the focal point of the room, e.g. a harvest table in the kitchen or a coffee table in the living room? Or is your live edge piece an accent piece itself, e.g. a side table or a charcuterie board?

Either way, you can take the opportunity of new furniture and use it as an excuse to revamp your living space. But big decorative changes are not necessary, especially when you have so many choices in the making of the live edge furniture!

Choosing The Right Live Edge Piece Stain

You can start pairing your live edge piece of furniture before the work has even started. What you want us to do to the wood depends on the look you’re going for, and because we can customize your furniture, you can take the time to pick out the perfect wood type and stain. This way, the piece will fit right in as soon as you get it home, requiring no further work!

As part of the process, we’ll make it easier for you to decide on the stain or colour. We can give you a small sample of the stain to take home, letting you see how it would fit in before you commit to a specific type. If you’re thinking about a live edge river table, we can also provide you with a sample of the plastic resin in the colour of your choice, so you can compare it before we pour!

The Elements Of A Live Edge Piece

Your homework isn’t completed by just holding up your stain sample next to a wall or couch. The final look of your live edge furniture should depend on several different things, including the grain, colour, and patterns of the other furniture.

If you have more than one piece of wooden furniture, identify the undertones that would link them and your newest live edge piece. Undertones can be described as the “temperature” of the colour of the wood and stains, and if there is a dominant theme, try and accommodate it. Warm undertones are red, orange, and yellow; neutral is beige, and cool undertones are grey. Neutral is the one that will work best for an eclectic mix of woods!

Instinctively, you’d probably try to match an accent live edge piece with other pieces in your room, but this can be a big mistake. Unless you’re redoing every piece of furniture with us, trying to match the stains of a new piece with other wooden furniture is futile. If it doesn’t look exactly right – we mean absolutely perfect – the furniture will clash, and this will stand out in a bad way. Mixing complementary stains and colours, rather than trying to match them, is the way to go for individual pieces that are not part of a set.

Learn More About Pairing Your Live Edge Piece

You can make the room more inviting for your live edge piece and for your company by using throw blankets, pillows, area rugs, ornamental quilts, and other textiles. These can soften the transitions between the mixed-and-matched wood furniture, so if the abundance of wood is too noticeable, you’ll help the decor flow much better. Contact us if you have any questions!