Custom Furniture Trends To Watch 2020

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The new decade is a great excuse to buy new furniture, but how do you choose what to include in your home? Natural materials are in – as if they’ve ever been out of style – but how will they be used in 2020 and beyond? Beyond is the important word here because many of the custom furniture trends predicted for the next year are meant to be timeless. 

This is perfect for us because we have always made our furniture to last! Here are some major furniture trends to watch for in the next year to get your imagination going.


Higher Tables And Barstools 

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In 2020 and beyond, you won’t see barstools only at the bar. Many homeowners now see higher tabletops as part of inviting living space. It tells everyone that they can pull up a stool and enjoy themselves.

It’s already a popular feature in trendy brewpubs and restaurants, but more offices are installing tall table and bar stool combinations, too. As workspaces become more open and invite more collaboration among team members, the high table and bar stool are seen as versatile, fun, and help get more work done.


Custom Furniture That Makes Major Statements

Height isn’t the only thing that matters – the size and color of your centerpiece matters, too. Tables that dominate a space, like large harvest tables, are going to be in style again, but you can make a more modern-looking statement with a splash of color. The river resin table is holding over from 2019 and will still look very much at home in the new decade!


Traditional (-Looking) Furniture

Before pressboard and chemically-made wood, there was real, solid wood. Older pieces not only look great but are also an easy way to integrate into any home. This trend includes classic shapes, preserved grains, and rustic browns. A lot of consumers see natural as traditional and gravitate towards anything made with solid wood. 

The trend towards older and traditionally-made furniture reflects a change in attitudes toward the environment and consumption. More consumers are mindful of how their shopping habits impact the environment. They are finding ways to control this impact and live more environmentally-conscious lives. On top of preventing a new piece from being manufactured, older furniture often uses natural wood and other materials that aren’t super processed. This leads us to the final major trend for 2020!


Eco-Friendly Options

Sure, antique furniture is great, but when it comes to customized design, sustainability is key. What’s better for the environment than handmade furniture made with only local materials? Being the Forest City, London carefully tends to its trees, meaning they cut a lot of old-growth to make way for newer growth. 

It’s an important part of forest management, and we all benefit from it! The beautiful pieces of wood they cut down are reused by us to make sustainable tables, bar tops, and more. We only use wood sourced in London from the City and don’t ship anything from overseas.

Are you feeling inspired yet? Then come to the Rustix studio with your design ideas and we’ll work to make them a reality. You can also browse our selections and galleries to see how our work will fit in the home of your dreams!