What Makes Ontario Wood Better Than The Rest?


In case you don’t know the Rustix MO, we make furniture and accessories using only wood from the London area. Like every municipality, the City cuts down trees and replants new ones in other areas. London planned on removing around 200 street trees this year, planting 400 in their stead.

Most of that wood ends up as cords, wood chips, and mulch for public use. Luckily, we also get our hands on choice pieces with which to make our furniture! This makes all Rustix products 100% local, made from the best wood in the world. Here’s why you should only choose products made from Ontario wood!


Why Ontario Wood Is Better

Here in Ontario, wood is incredibly important for both our ecosystems and the economy. Our province is home to more than 85 billion trees, coming in more than 100 native species, spread throughout four major forest regions: the Hudson Bay Lowlands in the far north, the boreal forest region in northern Ontario, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest in southern and central Ontario, and the deciduous forest in southern Ontario. 

There are two groups of native tree species that are most often used for building and furniture making: 

  • Softwoods: These are coniferous options like spruce and pine. Softwood species give Ontario builders and craftspeople a wide variety of high-quality wood to use for both structural and finishing applications.
  • Hardwoods: These are deciduous species like maple or oak. They tend to find a home in interior environments, mostly in cabinetry, flooring and furniture (it’s the type we use most!).


Whatever the type, you know that local Ontario wood needs far less energy than other materials to manufacture, generates less air and water pollution, and has a lower carbon footprint than other options.

When you choose a product made from Ontario wood, you’re also supporting our economy. Our wood industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 155,000 furniture makers, contractors, and other craftspeople, generating over $16 billion in revenue that sustains communities in every corner of the province.


Look For The Ontario Wood LogoOntario Wood License

On our homepage, you’ll see the Ontario Wood: Choose Local! logo. When you see the logo on any wood product, you’ll know that it uses only what’s grown here in Ontario. It’s a sign that the wood is:

  • high quality
  • sustainably grown and harvested in the province
  • supporting local communities 
  • the best option for the environment

What’s more, with Rustix you’ll know your piece is made with not just any Ontario wood – it’s made thanks to London wood! The Forest City has been very good to us, and we love that we can return the favour in our community. Rustix is proud to have the Ontario Wood seal of approval, and we can’t wait to show you everything we can do with London trees!